About NovoNail

Our History

Currently headquartered in Charlottesville, Virginia, NovoNail founder Dr. Christopher Stewart has created all- encompassing protocols to treat all stages of toenail fungus. Dr. Stewart and the NovoNail Team strive to educate medical providers and patients alike on these new and innovative methods to both prevent and treat toenail fungus.

Our Specialists

NovoNail techniques include state-of-the-art laser based treatment plans that go deep beneath the surface of the nail, attacking the fungus where it lives and breeds. We also address any additional factors that may have caused the fungal infection in the first place and can put your at risk for future reinfection. NovoNail trained professionals strive to provide:

  • Experienced Care and consultation
  • A treatment plan custom-made to fit your individual needs
  • Cosmetic restoration of your nail(s)
  • Removal of unsightly and often uncomfortable fungus
  • Education to prevent future risk and reinfection

Our Approach

NovoNail strives to address each patient’s nail concerns with an individualized, multi-faceted approach and educate each patient on home care and reducing risks of reinfection. Our team of physicians and medical assistants have been selected for their caring and understanding. Each individual in our NovoNail team is a highly trained and certified individual focused on the treatment of onychomycosis and the impact that it has on daily life.

​NovoNail Headquarters and Affiliates are striving to develop state of the art treatment protocols and diagnostic tools. Our on-going research of over 10,000+ toenails allows us to apply the best proven results in our treatment protocols. Our platform of success is composed of a combination of existing techniques and the creation of new, patent-pending approaches, we found that we can now deliver beautiful, natural looking nails to a wide-range of patients that may have been previously unsuccessful in their treatment.